1. Introduction

Dashboards in Xtraleap are visual representations of key data and metrics, designed to provide insights, support decision-making, and communicate information effectively. They often display real-time or near-real-time data, using a combination of charts, tables, maps, and other visual elements. This documentation provides an overview of dashboards in Xtraleap, their key components, design principles, and differences between standalone dashboards and a portfolio of dashboards.

2. Key Components of a Dashboard

A well-designed dashboard typically includes the following components:

  • Visualizations: Charts, graphs, tables, and other visual elements that represent the data in an easily understandable format.

  • Key Performance Indicators (KPIs): Metrics that provide insights into the performance and success of a specific area or process.

  • Interactivity: Features that allow users to interact with the dashboard, such as filters, sliders, or drill-down capabilities, enabling users to explore the data in more depth.

  • Context: Labels, annotations, and tooltips that provide context and explanations for the data and visualizations.

3. Design Principles for Dashboards

When designing a dashboard, consider the following principles:

  • Simplicity: Keep the design simple and focused, avoiding clutter and unnecessary visual elements.

  • Clarity: Ensure that visualizations and labels are clear and easy to understand, using appropriate chart types and descriptive labels.

  • Consistency: Use consistent design elements, such as colors, fonts, and chart styles, to maintain a cohesive visual identity.

  • Hierarchy: Organize the dashboard layout in a logical hierarchy, prioritizing the most important information and visualizations.

  • Responsiveness: Design the dashboard to adapt to different screen sizes and devices for an optimal viewing experience.

4. Standalone Dashboards vs. Portfolio of Dashboards

There are two main approaches to creating dashboards in Xtraleap: standalone dashboards and portfolios of dashboards. Each approach has its advantages and use cases:

Standalone Dashboards:

A standalone dashboard is a single, self-contained visualization that focuses on a specific topic or area of interest. It is typically designed for a specific audience and purpose, providing a snapshot of key metrics and insights.

Advantages of standalone dashboards:

  • Focused Content: Standalone dashboards provide targeted information, making it easier for users to quickly grasp the main insights.

  • Simpler Design: With fewer elements and less complexity, standalone dashboards are generally simpler and faster to create and maintain.

  • Easier Sharing: As a single visualization, standalone dashboards are easier to share and distribute to stakeholders.

Portfolio of Dashboards:

A portfolio of dashboards is a collection of related dashboards, each focusing on a different aspect of the data or targeting a specific audience. These dashboards may be organized by purpose, audience, or subject matter, and can provide a comprehensive view of the organization’s data and performance.

Advantages of a portfolio of dashboards:

  • Comprehensive Insights: A diverse set of dashboards provides a more comprehensive view of the data, addressing various perspectives and levels of detail.

  • Targeted Information: Dashboards tailored to specific audiences and purposes ensure that stakeholders receive the most relevant and actionable insights.

  • Scalability: A portfolio of dashboards can be more easily scaled and expanded to accommodate new data sources, metrics, and requirements.

5. Best Practices

When creating dashboards, whether standalone or within a portfolio, consider the following best practices:

  • Focus on Clarity and Simplicity: Design dashboards that are clear, simple, and easy to understand, avoiding clutter and unnecessary visual elements.

  • Maintain Consistency: Use consistent design elements, such as colors, fonts, and chart styles, across your dashboards to maintain a cohesive visual identity.

  • Provide Context: Include labels, legends, and tooltips to provide context and explanations for the data and visualizations in your dashboards.

  • Responsive Design: Ensure that your dashboards are responsive and adapt to different screen sizes and devices for an optimal viewing experience.

  • Accessibility: Design dashboards that are accessible to users with different abilities, such as those with visual impairments, by using appropriate colors, contrast, and text sizes.